The Tooth Bearer
Do you believe in fairies?
It's one thing to believe in the Tooth Fairy, it's another thing to be asked to save them!
All Katelyn knew about the Tooth Fairy was that the tooth went under the pillow at night and would be replaced by a coin. Then she met Tilly, and her life was never the same again.
Katelyn is a typical child who believes in Father Christmas, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny amongst others and in her eyes, the rules were simple especially when it came to the Tooth Fairy, but a chance encounter changes all that and she soon finds out that she holds a special power that can save the fairy realm but others seem to work against her.
This book can be purchased by clicking the picture. My interview with David will give you a better look inside where his creativity and being an author began.
What inspired you to write this book?
David: I've always enjoyed books, illustrating, writing, and repairing them, having worked as a bookbinder for over thirty years in Cambridge, UK. My daughter was attending a library reading class and whilst I waited for her, I wrote this story, about her adventures in a magical land and the friends that she met along the way. She was asking lots of questions about the Tooth Fairy and I felt it was time that I tried to answer them as best I could. The story grew from there to create an entire world of fairies, gremlins, gnomes, pixies, and sprites. Initially, I was only working on it whilst she attended the class, but as time went on; I found my enjoyment of writing increased until I was scribbling at every given opportunity.
What is your favorite childhood book?
David: I have read a lot of children's books, but for some unknown reason, I always loved the Sam Pig books by Alison Uttley. I can remember being very young and replacing the names from whatever other book I was reading with the characters from Sam Pig's universe. It didn't always work...
What does literary success look like to you?
David: I would like to work as a writer and illustrator full time. There is never enough time to do everything, so I am fortunate that I enjoy my day job. I love jazz music and also play the Trombone as well. I'm guessing my neighbours are pleased that I turned my hand to writing and drawing!
Does your family support your work as a writer?
David: Very much so. It was my wife that persuaded me to publish my books to start with. She also helps with the marketing side, which is very difficult for independent authors as there are so many exciting books to choose from that are already published. Getting yourself noticed isn't easy and is almost a full-time job. My daughter loves drawing and provided illustrations for the series as well, so it is a real family effort.
How do you select the names of your characters?
David: The names mostly come to me overnight. However, some of them are from family members. Once I know what the character looks like, the name will usually appear shortly afterwards. For example, the colourful portrait artist that Katelyn meets in the story fitted the name Tiberius because of his character. I needed two London street villains and so Sharpclaw and Lenny, the two gremlin characters, were born. As soon as I had drawn them, I saw their names appear. That's why I find it sad when I finish writing a story. You end up saying goodbye to those characters for a while. I'd be quite happy to meet some of them at the pub for a drink afterwards and discuss the next book. Although the gremlins would probably pinch my wallet.
How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?
David: It is a learning curve and when I started I just thought you would send your book off to the first publisher you found, what little I knew! You are always learning, and that makes it so exciting. Meeting new people and exchanging ideas, you never know when the next story will fly in and demand to be written.
Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?
David: Critical reviews? Do you mean I will get those as well?
I have had some amazing reviews since publishing. My favourite ones have included illustrations drawn by the children that read the books. That was a great feeling and made me feel like an actual author. You need tough skin when you get a critical review. However, I always keep the freezer stocked with ice cream just for those moments.
David Howden
