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5/5 ⭐️ | The Killing of a Shadow by J.F. Hilley

In J.F. Hilley's Psychological Thriller "The Killing of a Shadow" Sergeant Alexandra Foster faces a Forum of her Fears. As a child, she was haunted by a less than endearing father and it seems that even as an adult, she would eventually attract the eye and ire of another. This theme's overwhelming presence positively supported by well expressed emotions that put you in the well tailored shoes of the protagonist. As Alexandra's interior battles play out externally, we are introduced by a Fine symphony of emotions that will no doubt play on our heartstrings long after the book is closed!

Throughout her journey, Alexandra suffers loss, hardship and overall heartache on her quest for a sense of belonging. While her uphill battle has quenched her thirst for vertical success in her field, the attention that comes with it may be more than she bargained for. Deemed perfect for a mission but ripe for the picking puts Alex in a more awkward position than she could ever imagined. Fueled by a checkered past, a prominent future, some unlikely friends and a few shady characters on her radar, Sergeant Foster powers this thrill ride full steam ahead!

One of the most intriguing elements of J. F. Hilley's book is her grand attention to detail! The details were so poignantly placed and described that the visuals jump out of the pages. Hilley's Killing of a Shadow proves that the bricks meant to break us sometimes build us into a Brickhouse! Strong yet sensitive, stern yet soft-tongued, Sergeant Foster has all the makings of a heroine that we are sure to be addicted to for installments to come.

-Alexandra "Fosters" several keys to success: Sensibility, Savvy, Sex Appeal, and a Certain amount of sass!!

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