This is truly an inspirational book of all accord. The author Anthony Owens tells his story of how he was raised in poverty as a child to overcome obstacle after obstacle including abusive men in his life who should have been father figures to him.
Not only did he overcome these hardships; he went onto give back to his community. In his story it shows his understanding towards others which really moved me as a reader. It was truly an amazing testament that one can endure hard times and rise above way beyond positive expectations.
I was very impressed by how real and honest it was written. Even more surprised by the ways he always seemed to turn a negative situation into a beautifully, respectable, positive outcome. Even fostering kids of his own with his family after much work on himself.
A very well written and moving book that I feel younger and older readers alike can learn from. I strongly recommend this book by Anthony Owens to every reader out there!!! So grab you a copy and enjoy one man's story of growth and willingness to change a rough and hard life into an awe-inspiring true story of wonderful change.
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