A contemplative literary work on the kismet of the human person. It is a sort of an entreaty of a traumatized lad who has been thrust to the throes in the underground prison of doom.
It explains some sort of unknown facts about the orlay of a man, it answers the many chronic questions of the reality of a man's fate, with ideas susceptible to debate - if a man knows his destiny? - If fate itself is a stringent or a lenient spirit?
If fate's visitation would change the lifestyle of a man or cause him to die suddenly? - and how fate relates itself to the lifetime of a man. This book is made up of three sections: The Poems of Fate, The narrative and tragedic poems of Kwame, and other breathtaking poems.
This collection has an intuitional interpretation of what a man's fate exhibit amidst impediments, endurance, abnegation, innocence, and most importantly, doom. It is a fatalistic poetry collection.
This book can be purchased by clicking the picture. My interview with Peter will give you a better look inside where his creativity and being an author began.
What inspired you to write this book?
Peter: Thank you. Fate, In the Dungeon of Doom, was inspired based on my muse on the kismet of the human person. You know, I'm a curious person. So, I had lots of muse, questions, and objections about the making of fate. I seek to demystify and search in-depth the mysteriousness of fate itself - if fate is a making of ourselves, or an anonymous destination that is devised by a God or a mere phenomenon whose entirety is extremely unknown and unexplainable. I seek to poetically ask questions about who controls the human fate. Is it God, or humans themselves, or some unknown forces? The book is made up of three sections. The first part expounds on the poems of Fate, the second part, on the poem of Kwame, and the third part, on other poems. The tragic poems of Kwame was inspired based on real events, but I will restrict from revealing that further in this interview.
What is your favorite childhood book?
Peter: My favorite childhood book was a novella by a particular author here in Nigeria, it's titled "Born to Rule," it's a fictionalized story of the biblical Joseph. I also enjoy The Jero's Play by the famous Wole Soyinka.
What does literary success look like to you?
Peter: Literary success to me is that point in time whereby you're famous and a lot of people know you from around the world. It's a point whereby one's work has attained a level of success, and unwavering progress and a point whereby one's work is read across Universities, and Schools worldwide. Look at someone like Shakespeare, I'm not sure if there is anyone who hasn't heard of him yet, he has made an impact in the literary world, and he is a perfect example of someone who has attained literary success to me. His impact is so effective and still speaks even after his death. So, literary success is a good thing, it's something that I, as much as many authors earnestly desire, however, explaining it is vast, I feel that it has a more in-depth description that I might not be able to fully convey in this conversation.
Does your family support your work as a writer?
Peter: Absolutely, my family supports my writing, my mother, and my siblings are my favorite praisers. Their praises and encouragement always inspire me to keep on moving.
How do you select the names of your characters?
Peter: I don't have an answer to this…
How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?
Peter: My first work, Ecstasy of the Dead changed my process of writing dynamically. I see myself writing more, it inspires me to do more, and I was so fascinated to attain the position of being called an Author. Though I'm currently working on producing a second edition of the book, it has had a cogent positive impact on my writing process.
Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?
Peter: Sure. I do read my reviews, and I check my books intermittently to know if there is another added review and to know what readers felt about it. Though, I've come to realize that reviews are subjective and based on the reader's opinion. What appeals to A might not appeal to B. I've had people praise my work, and I've had people say that it is so relatable to their life, such kind of feedback inspires me a lot. Also, I've had a reviewer say I wrote junk, and that my work is so awkward, while I read this particular review, it makes me laugh so hard. I found it immensely hilarious and I even shared it, because I'm a kind of person that hardly get angry, you may speak trash to me or my work. I won't do anything than just stare at you as if you're speaking some sort of Chinese, and laugh it off. So, I don't take bad reviews personally, by the way, if one is going to be successful as an author, he or she must be prepared for negative criticism and be ready to accept them with zero emotion - as if they're nothing. Everyone won't like what you write, even the best books are criticized. I'd just say it's not a big deal!
Peter Okonkwo

I am so happy to be interviewed by you. It's a privilege to share my book with impending readers. Thank you so much for hosting me. I appreciate it.😊