Set in 1976, this story is about introverted 13 year old Drew who mows lawns to make ends meet for him and his single mother. His favorite client is a young woman named Sasha who crafts handmade blankets for a living whom he has a crush on. When Sasha takes a shine to him too, she offers up a position for him to be her assistant and quit mowing lawns for the neighbors.
Thrilled at the notion to spend more intimate time with Sasha Drew jumps at the chance. But when he goes to tell his neighbors he won't be mowing for them anymore an elderly neighbor offers up a fortune for Drew to inherit instead of her ungrateful and negligent adult children. Enlisting Sasha to help him gather the stash before the greedy relatives do Drew learns a lesson about growing up.
This book has the feel of a lot of coming of age movies around the time it was set in 1976. The secret intimate relationship between Drew and Sasha is a 13 year old's fantasy come true. I loved how the story unfolds with the elderly neighbor's generous offer. This book was full of nostalgia and surprises around every corner. I loved the writing style which painted a perfect picture of the characters and setting, bringing me back to simpler times before cell phones and social media.
The book is fairly short which makes a good travel read. I know people who grew up in the 70s will enjoy this read but I think people of a younger generations will appreciate it, too. Fans of Dawson's Creek and Summer of '42 will be in for a treat with this one.
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